Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Economic Ethics of The Ancestors

And in their wealth there is acknowledged right for the needy and destitute (Quran,51:19)

Previously, this blog has laid out the human rights not only are strived all over the world today, but also had been practiced by the ancestors.

Through conservative living, the ancestors had developed attitudes and values toward economic activities. Particulars were given more on wealth, poverty, charity and labor. To fulfill the demands for the activities, individuals were developed having the right moralities, mental disciplines and wisdom.

The main objective was to serve individuals and societies The Human Rights as granted by God. One of the rights was The Right for Basic Standard of Living. Thus, the ancestors understood well that in order to provide The Basic Standard of Living be it to individuals or societies, the ethical economics activities were critical.

The ethical economics activities done by the ancestors started by paying attention to the inner development of the individuals. They viewed that the right activities begun with the right moralities. The inner development which yielded that right moralities were major to the economics growth to individuals and societies. Thus, individuals and societies had better chance to overcome problems of the external factors upon the activities.

The requisite needs of the ancestors were clothing, food, shelter and medicine. Clothing and shelter were basic needs for the individuals while food (water, food and fire for cooking) and medicine were basic needs for the societies (The ancestors had the obligation to share both food and medicine with each other as a society).

However, above were only the requisite needs that required economics stability. In order to sustain the economics stability, the ancestors had outlined four(4) major activities:

a) The Production of Wealth
b) The Protection of Wealth
c) Savings
d) Conservative Living (Living within one’s means)

Both the requisite needs and the economics activities relied on each other and were major upon the household’s happiness. The well interaction between both had allowed the ancestors having the secondary needs in the Basic Standard of Living:

a) Having the ability to spend on the requisite needs.
b) Having the ability to maintain parents, wives, children and servants.
c) Having the savings for illness and emergencies.
d) Having the ability to donate.
e) Having the ability to treat relatives.
f) Having the ability to entertain guests.
g) Having the ability for the burial ceremonies of the ceased.
h) Having the ability to pay taxes.

Therefore, the economics activities were important to the ancestors as they provided the abilities to the ancestors to have The Basic Standard of Living. Having the Basic Standard of Living then was direct measurement of the household’s happiness.

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